Seasonality at Amber Waves

As a working farm, we find so much more nuance in annual cycles than is captured in the traditional four season calendar, so we dug deep to come up with our own seven seasons. With seasonality at the core of our work at Amber Waves, we hope you’ll join us in celebrating each of the seasons that makes life on the East End so special.




Welcome to Seeding & Planting Season! At this time of year, we set forth intention into action: digging into the soil, sowing seeds, and welcoming new growth. With waking fields, we're preparing for a fresh round of vegetables, herbs, flowers, and our most important crop: new farming apprentices. We are excited, hopeful, and invested in our community and crops. Join us by setting your intention with us: sign up for our spring classes, introduce yourself to someone at a community event, try an unfamiliar vegetable (have you tasted kale-ini?), or start a garden with Amber Waves seedlings.





Welcome to Refreshing & Re-energizing Season! Humble spring greens shyly emerge in our newly planted rows, while the leaves make their triumphant return to the trees and the early berries pop out to remind us that summer is close by; brisk early spring is finally behind us. This latter spring season invites us to shed dormancy and embrace the return of vibrancy to the island. Take off that winter parka and get your hands dirty at a seeding and planting workshop, have a salad in the sunshine or sip an Amagansett green juice as you walk through the farm’s open gates, witnessing the fields grow before your very eyes.




Welcome to Blooming & Fruiting season! Wear your trucker hat, folks. It's time. July explodes with color and flavor: the summer bounty coming out of the fields is reminiscent of fireworks, and an honorable representation of our farm apprentices' growth since early spring. This season is all about abundance and productivity for growers and eaters. Vines are draped with new buds and burgeoning fruit, soaking up rays of sunshine to reach peak ripeness. Likewise, the fields are full of budding eaters, children explore the outdoor classroom excited by the color and flavor of the summer abundance, they absorb lasting lessons connecting them to the earth and all that grows from her. The garlic harvest is upon us, sending the aroma of fresh alliums wafting through the air. Did you know garlic could smell so sweet? Meanwhile, the wheat crop is turning our namesake shade of amber, cresting like waves in the breeze. Join us in celebration: pick your own blooms and string together a floral crown, support local growers by shopping at our market, sprinkle cheerful edible flowers on a crunchy cucumber salad to share with friends, and have gratitude for the sweetness of life on the east end.




Welcome to Grilling & Chilling season! In August the days are long; from the fields to kitchen, this is the most intense time at Amber Waves. As we wipe the sweat off our brows, we remind ourselves the best approach is to let summer's heat wash over our bodies in waves. All the work we've invested thus far culminates in this moment; chill out and enjoy this very special time out East. The quiet days following a bustling August grant us time to savor late summer treasures. For the well-seasoned East Ender, September is thought of as "Local's Summer." The Atlantic waters surrounding the south fork temper the oncoming winter winds, extending the warm weather for a few more weeks. We take a nod from the nearby ocean and just go with the flow. Join us as we enjoy these lasting summer rays: cook outside over the fire, cool off with a chilled gazpacho, lay out on a beach blanket, visit our pick-your-own field, and don't miss out on eating a sungold tomato right off the vine!




Welcome to Preserving & Storing season! After a long growing season that stretches into October, the ocean finally begins to cool off, shifting the weather of our coastal community. We do our best to make summer last: as changing leaves begin to fall from the trees on the East End, we find plenty of vibrant color in jars that line our kitchen counters waiting to be filled with tomatoes, peppers, and pickles. Autumn brings with it pumpkins and gourds to replace the summer blooms, reminding us that fall can be just as satisfying as summer. Leaves senesce to warm sunset hues as farmers begin to downshift from summertime, with the fields following suit. The final lift of the growing season is getting our winter squash and sweet potatoes from field to storage. Join us as we graduate our farming apprentices, welcome local school groups back to the farm, preserve a summer memory at a canning workshop and sample the first fresh batch of hot sauce from our kitchen.




Welcome to Milling & Baking Season! We’ve tucked in our cover crops and parked our tractors to rest. November is the beginning of the gathering season, when we see our families and get back to our roots. We dedicate our thoughts this time of year to gratitude, to family, to Thanksgiving, and to celebration of the abundance in our lives. While the fields sleep under cover of rye and frost, we deck the farm to celebrate the season. Then we turn inward: we rest, we reflect, we plan, and we bake. Our experiences are grist for the mill as we refine our practices season after season. The slower months bring the opportunity to try new things in our kitchens, honing our skills. What a perfect time to savor the slow bubble of a sourdough starter and the methodical kneading and shaping of a rustic loaf. Join us in rolling out a pie crust at a wheat workshop, making a batch of popcorn by the fire, cracking open a coveted jar of sungold sauce to top a homemade pizza, and contributing to our Farm to Food pantry program, ensuring your neighbors are well fed in the coming months.




Welcome to Roasting & Stewing Season! The dark doldrums of winter are upon us as we curl up beside a fire, but this is when the magic happens. The farmer's work is never done: we are inside reading, studying, planning, and getting inspired for the next season's cohort of apprentices to grow the crops that feed our community. We think about the oncoming lightness as the days slowly begin to grow longer again. As we plan for a productive summer, our seed catalogs are spread on the table next to a cup of hot coffee and warm soup. We are grateful for storage crops and preserves in our pantries, allowing us to reminisce and relive bright summer rays. We know winter won’t last forever, so we indulge in the slow and restful days. Chop up some of the last of your root vegetables with dried herbs and taste the flavors as they meld together. It’s the perfect time to get cozy and embrace the weather with homemade soups and stews, and warm up with a hot apple cider or espresso from our kitchen. Prepare for the abundance that awaits by renewing your farm membership or CSA subscription, lending your support and confidence in the farm during the leanest months of the year.